Culture Day
Tuesday 18th October 2022
Culture Day:
On Tuesday 18th October, Thornhill Primary school will be celebrating Culture Day. During the day, our children will explore the following countries from around the world. Children are invited to come into school on Tuesday 18th October dressed in their cultural clothes. This could range from clothing containing the flag of their cultural background, traditional dress from their culture e.g. a sahari, or just regular items with colours that represent their country’s flag.
The children will be learning about their chosen countries and their cultures. They will be locating their country on a world map, learning to say ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in the country’s language and listening to some traditional music. There will be a variety of activities taking place throughout the day, including workshops for traditional arts and crafts, dance workshops and stories from other cultures. Parents will also be invited into school on Thursday 20th October, from 2:30-3:15 pm, to come and see the work produced by your child’s class.
More information will be provided nearer the time.
Staff and children are very excited about the upcoming Culture Day, and we believe it will be a fantastic and fun day for all involved! If you see a primary classroom representing a country you are from, and have items or artefacts to share please email:
Thank you for your continuous support.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Consar and Mrs Jackson