About Us
I am delighted to welcome you to Thornhill Primary School.
Our vision for Thornhill is to be the very best we can and to provide a happy, friendly, safe and encouraging place where everyone feels welcomed and valued. Our school is a place where achievement is expected and is celebrated, a place where all members of the school community care about each other and are kind to each other; a place where behaviour is oustanding and where success of all kinds is noticed so that we can take pride in all the work we are doing.
We are very lucky to have a dedicated and supportive staff who work very hard to provide the best opportunities for all our pupils in a safe and happy school environment. We aim to build the skills, knowledge and positive attitudes necessary to help all our pupils become responsible, respectful and tolerant citizens of the future.
We have a truly ‘open door’ policy at our school and look forward to working with you as your child starts out on their school career. We hope that your partnership with us will be fulfilling and rewarding.
I hope that you will want to visit Thornhill Primary School. I would very much like to meet you, but more importantly, I would like you to see our school, talk to our children and staff and experience first hand the excellent learning opportunities that we offer all our children.